Romance at the Hotel Alte SchuleCrackling fireplaces & wingback chairs

It is usually the small, unforgettable moments that matter in life. The Hotel Alte Schule with the guesthouses Altes Museum and Fliegendes Klassenzimmer offers the best conditions for exactly such moments. Spend your short holiday and weekend break or holiday with dog in Wittgenstein and the Sauerland!

Ideal location - right next to the castle

Whether it's the castle and castle gardens, the old town, shopping facilities, restaurants, cafés, hiking trails or bike trails - you can easily reach everything on foot from here. Enjoy this deceleration.

Of course available: charging station for e-cars.

Discover rooms

Everything but standardHotel Alte Schule at a glance

Our hotelMain house & 2 guest houses

Spend your short holiday in Wittgenstein and the Sauerland in the middle of the romantic and historic old town of Bad Berleburg. Located opposite the baroque Berleburg Castle of the Princes Sayn-Wittgenstein, the neat half-timbered building of the main house Alte Schule exudes a very special charm. The building, which captivates with lovingly arranged details such as old certificates and teaching utensils, housed the girls' and boys' secondary school from 1923 to 1954.

In the guesthouse Altes Museum you live and stay overnight in the former town museum of Bad Berleburg. The building, which was rebuilt in 1825 after the great town fire, has been completely renovated and is connected to the main building. It offers modern and elegantly furnished rooms, but at the same time retains the nostalgic charm of the historic museum. A special highlight is the reception, which is located in the original grocer's shop, which has been part of the building for almost 200 years.

In the Fliegendes Klassenzimmer guesthouse, a total of 19 modernly furnished rooms await you in front of a fantastic old town backdrop for your short break for two, at the weekend or during the week. Our themed rooms are particularly popular: choose your favourite school subject and stay in "Chemistry", "History", "Physics" or "Sports".

Let a charming town, the largest contiguous forest area in Germany and a lovingly run hotel, consisting of a main house and two guest houses, take you on a short trip you won't soon forget.

Our excursion tip For car lovers & those interested in culture

National Car Museum

Just 30 minutes from the Alte Schule, the fascinating national car museum The Loh Collection awaits you in Dietzhölztal. Immerse yourself in the world of classic cars and experience extraordinary vehicles up close. From unknown prototypes to world-famous classics, there are around 150 cars from 135 years of automotive history to marvel at. Combine your stay at our charming hotel with an unforgettable visit to the car museum - perfect for car enthusiasts and culture vultures.

Mein himmlisches HotelWinner of the VOX series

As the winner of the TV format of the same name on VOX, we can call ourselves "Mein himmlisches Hotel". With the video to relive it, we have compiled information about the VOX show for you.

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