GalleryImpressions from our romantic hotel

Because pictures say more than words: Get your own impression of the many facets of our hotel in Bad Berleburg.

Take a look at the rooms in the main house Alte Schule, guesthouse Altes Museum, guest house Fliegendes Klassenzimmer and restaurant Alte Schule as well as loving details.

Main building Alte SchuleRooms

Guest House Altes MuseumRooms

Guest House Fliegendes KlassenzimmerRoom & Exterior

Breakfast area Alte SchuleGreat ambience

InstitutionLoving details

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20 % discount on all bookings For a stay until 15.09.2024

Would you like to spend your romantic holiday for two at particularly attractive conditions? Get a 20 % discount on all bookings at the Hotel Alte Schule now! 

Further information and the booking conditions can be found here:

To the discount promotion